10. Having a job means having money.
9. One hour lunches.
8. Feeling productive.
7. Getting to know the people that work for us.
6. Dressing up.
5. Having a good excuse for a weekly house keeping service.
4. It’s only for 6 weeks!!!
3. Listening to grown up music all day long.
2. Hitting the Starbuck’s drive thru for a morning latte.
And the number 1 reason why is does not suck to be at work: I get to sleep with the boss!!! :)
Maybe one day get to sleep with the boss at work.
One more reason…you get the (sometimes) hear people say “Thank you!”
okay – can I just say that I SO didn’t need to read the bit about sleeping with the boss at work.
:) :) :)
Sorry, but sleeping with the boss does have its benefits. I don’t recommend it for just anyone, though! :)
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