Getting back into the swing of things after being out of town all weekend. Laundry is almost finished, house is picked up (not clean, but at least it looks nice from a distance), kids are napping, chicken is boiling, menu plan for the week is finished. Oh how I’d love to sit and read a bunch of blogs. But not now, maybe tonight. If I’m lucky, Jeremy will crash when he gets home from work and I can stay up late in the blogosphere, eating from my stash of Ghirardelli chocolates and drinking wild cherry Pepsi. Wow…I’m living on the edge, huh?
Here is the weekly plan:
Tonight: Chicken and Dumplings with Apple pie for dessert (if that homecooked meal doesn’t put the man right to sleep, nothing will!)
Tuesday: Sloppy Joes, chips, and corn on the cob
Wednesday: leftover night
Thursday: New recipe~Carmen’s Crockpot chicken with green beans
Friday: Pizza and a movie night
Saturday: Grilled fish and Veggies
Sunday: Sorry, kitchen’s closed!
Find more great recipes and organizational tips at Laura’s site! Have a wonderful week!
corn in the cob is what i like during summer! yummy recipe!
Yeah! I was just thinking last week that I wanted to try your receipe! Thanks.
Ghiradelli chocolate & wild cherry Pepsi – you rebel, you! I’d love to join you, but it’d have to be Dove chocolate & Coke.
Your menu sounds fantastic!
How was your trip?
I wish I could join you for the chocolate and Pepsi–well, I would bring my own coke! Sounds like a wonderful week at your house. I’m going to try the dumplins your way. I had a recipe once that used just a little bacon grease (2 Tablespoons) in the dumplins. They were very good.
Great menu, thanks for sharing!
Wow, You’re a Wild Woman!
Hope you like the Crockpot chicken. I’ve never tried it, so we’ll probably know at the sam time if it’s any good!
I have never been able to make good dumplins. I just gave up. Let me know how yours turn out!
I thought I was the only one who stashed chocolate.
Have a great week.
I’m thrilled to be included in the recipes of the week! Hope they turned out good. I’m going to try your spoon method next time.
The recipes look great, I want to try the chicken dumplings recipe soon.
I keep a stash too. (of chocolate) :)