Monday morning after breakfast I felt wierd. No other way to describe it. I could just tell something wasn’t right. By the time I cooked dinner that night I called my hubby to see what time he’d be home because I really wanted to go to bed.
It wasn’t my sinuses. No fever. No aches. No nausea. But I felt sick somehow. Like I had eaten a HUGE meal, but I hadn’t eaten anything except Cheerios. And I was SOOOOO tired. The kind of tired when you first get pregnant and no matter how much you’d like to get up and do something, especially for your other children, you just can’t get yourself up off the couch.
Then it hit me…Oh No…could I be…??? (Gulp!)
Now, I love my kids and since my 2nd pregnancy, which was plagued with as much sickness and even more vomitting than my first one, I have said that I would be happy to raise another child, but I never want to be pregnant again.
So with that in mind, I tried to sleep Monday night. Then around 1 am the bathroom runs started and continued all night long. I was very relieved. Then yesterday morning I called my dad to see if I could crash on his couch while the kids destroyed his house instead of mine (our is up for sale, remember?). He agreed and I was able to take a long nap in the afternoon.
I even went to bed early last night (after American Idol, of course) and now today I am feeling much better. But I have tons to do to catch up after a day and a half of laying around, so I am off to take care of all that.
That happened to my husband yesterday. He was in bed almost all day. My daughter and I didn’t feel so hot before bed! I am so glad you are on the mend and I hope you get all your work done!
Aw, feel better!
Hope you’re feeling back to normal by now. BTW, thanks for linking to me. I added you to my bloggers page as well. So glad I found your blog!