Well, let’s see, my Live Well Wednesday post is being written on Thursday. If that’s not an indication of what kind of week I’m having, I don’t know what is!!!
First of all, some good news on the South Beach Diet. Week one produced great results. Jeremy was down almost 15 pounds! WOW!!! In addition to limiting his food choices, he has been playing basketball and softball. And frankly, he’s a guy and we all know how easily they can drop weight! I’m so proud of him!
I didn’t do too bad either. My total loss for the week was 3 pounds. I gradually started adding in carbs last week but kept sugar out of reach. One day I made a turkey sandwhich on whole wheat bread with mustard, lettuce, and tomato. It was delicious and very satisfying. So imagine my surprise when I walked into the pantry just looking for anything to eat! It all looked good!!! I decided that bread definitely triggers cravings for me so I will be staying clear of that.
Something else I noticed was at the retreat over the weekend. Like I said, I had abstained from sugar. But on Saturday morning I saw the yummiest looking raspberry danish. It looked like the perfect accompaniment to my steaming cup of coffee. So I indulged. For the next several hours I was dizzy and lightheaded. I am certain I was on a sugar high. I have vowed to myself 1. to never forget that feeling and 2. never grow accustomed to feeling that way again! Blah!
I came home from the retreat with a cold that has again turned into a sinus infection. Or maybe it was an infection to begin with…I don’t really know how that works. All I do know is that I have been sick a lot in the last 6 months. Each time has started out with cold symptoms that seem to settle in my chest and leave me coughing up greenish yellow stuff that tastes bad. (Nice, huh?) And it takes me FOREVER to get over it.
I am thinking of going to the doctor for some “real” anitbiotics. You know, the ones I’d have to take for 14 days and are sure to kill the germs that quite literally have me by the throat! The last 2 rounds of antibiotics I’ve taken have been those handy, dandy Z-Paks. It’s nice to only take them for 3 days, but I seriously wonder if that’s why I keep getting it and getting it and getting it. The germs are just not dying! But considering my last trip to the doctor, I will be searching for a new physician to prescrible something for me this time.
So considering the sickness, my South Beach plan is not as good as it was last week. And my morning quiet times have been sporadic. I missed BSF yesterday and am really bummed about that. We were going to discuss Matthew 26 where Mary pours the expensive perfume on Jesus and Judas about has a coronary! I really wanted some clarification about those versus, because the practical side of me tends to go with Judas on that one! Obviously I needed some teaching!!!
Right now I’m trying to just stay positive and get through this week. The laundry is behind, we only homeschooled twice, I don’t think I’ve cooked a meal all week, and really all I want to do is get in bed. Press on Jodi!!! PRESS ON!!!!
Makes me want to read that story again! Thanks for the nudge. :)
Your post made me laugh this morning. :D Sugar highs, South Beach diet, boys losing weight faster than girls…oh, yeah, I could’ve written this myself.
I was at Sam’s yesterday and noticed that there’s a new South Beach diet book out. I have the old one from 5 or so years ago but this one is new. Is that the one you’re using?
Have a great day and stay encouraged! I hope you’re feeling better soon.