The answer to yesterday’s question was B. Although it is true that any of them could have been true…but they were slightly exaggerated. Or as we like to say in our family: Embellished.
The last time I weighed myself was in February and the only reason I know that is because I felt sure that I had survived the holidays and Valentine’s Day without putting on the pounds. I hopped on the scale one morning and confirmed my gut feeling.
But now, for whatever reason, I seem to have let myself go. I wonder if I just became over-confident with the results that morning and thought I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted. I could blame it all on the candy in the Easter baskets, especially the bag of Snickers dark chocolate miniatures I managed to devour all by myself in less than 24 hours, but I’ve been eating a lot of baked goods lately too. Oh, and the late night bowls of ice cream accompanied by a steamy cup of coffee. That’s been a real addiction each night before bed.
Hmmm…I think I am beginning to see the light!
I suppose it’s lucky for me that I just finished reading the South Beach Diet book. My mom read it and said it was full of good information. I planned to make some adjustments to my meal planning and the way I cook our foods, but after discovering my close-to-10-pound weight gain, I think I will go ahead and do the first 2 weeks on the plan.
It’s going to be pretty restrictive for me until I have time to try some of his recipes, like Seared Flank Steak. What’s a flank steak??? If it’s not preceded by New York Strip or Ribeye, I have never heard of it! Cleary some adjustments need to be made.
But Jeremy and I are both going to give it a try. Certainly we can maintain our self control for 2 weeks in order to curb the sugar and carb cravings. After the 2 weeks I might even be motivated to get back on the treadmill, or I should say bring the treadmill back in the house where I could actually run on it at any given time.
And if the weightloss is not enough motivation, I can just think back to Tuesday afternoon when I went with Jeremy to his Dr’s appointment. This was the same doctor that performed his vasectomy 2 years ago. When he found out why Jeremy came to see him he said “Oh good. I thought you all were here because she was pregnant”. WOW! Doc thought I was preggers and we wanted a refund? Okay, I am NEVER wearing THAT shirt again, and YES I do need to put the ice cream scoop down!!!!
Those late night goodies will get you every time. I prefer chocolate chip place & bake with my vanilla ice cream before bed:)
let me offer a word of encouragment here…my man has been on South Beach for 3 weeks and has lost 15 pounds. (He has lost a total of
25 but started south beach to “jump start” his weigh loss) Men always seem to drop it faster don’t they! I would try it, but I just don’t see
giving up my popcorn, the ice cream, the…..oh fill in the blank!!
Oh, South Beach, huh? I started it the week before Easter which was a mistake. Be prepared! The first
two weeks are hard but very worth it. Make sure you have plenty food ON HAND! Good luck. You will love the results.
One more thing…that’s why I got hooked on Starbuck’s sugar-free breve (sp?) mocha.
Only 3 carbs and yummy!
Oh Man! You should join us on Wednesdays for Live Well Wednesdays. It is good to have the support. You can do it! Just keep moving forward and keep your eye on the prize! We have had to make some changes too all around lifestyle for our family.
MUch love,
That’s funny. I thought you looked great when I saw you the other week. B would’ve been my last guess!
Girl- I am right there with you! I am really motivated to do it this time- I need to get the 10 lbs off that I’ve regained since last Feb. I’ve been trying
to get them off for almost a year and nothing has worked. I blame it on turning FORTY! not on the oreos, choc chip cookies, or the 4 packages
of 100 cal snacks I eat at one sitting!!!
We CAN do this!!!