In the midst of an incredibly wet and rainy spring, this past week was absolutely beautiful. Cool at night. Sunny and warm during the day. It proved to be perfect weather for kids’ play in the early afternoon.
On Tuesday, while I stood watching Emery and Savannah racing back and forth on the driveway, I couldn’t help but reach down and pull a clump of weeds from my flower bed. Awwwww…sweet! The wet ground released roots and all with almost no effort on my part. So I grabbed another, and another, and another until both of my hands were completely full.
I walked to the edge of the woods and tossed the weeds in among the trees. Came back and pulled out some more. I don’t know what it is about weeding, but I love to do it! Especially when they come up so easily. It’s therapeutic. Satisfying. And somewhat relaxing.
I’m wierd. I know.
At one point I uncovered a worm. This delighted my children beyond belief, and as they ran off to find it a “real” home, give it a name, and feed it, I had some time to myself.
Just me, my thoughts, and some nasty ‘ole weeds.
I started thinking about how nice the flower beds were going to look once the weeds were pulled. Then I thought maybe I should spray them with Round Up. At one point I thought I heard my kids bickering, but I tuned that out, and instead began to think about the weeds in my own life.
Weeds inhibit growth in my garden. What is inhibiting my growth with God? What’s inhibiting YOUR growth with God? Got any weeds you need to get rid of?
I know I do.
And I think the best way to remove them is by pulling them out by the roots! Don’t use Round Up on them. Think about it. To use Round Up, we have to wait for the right conditions. Can’t be too wet and it can’t rain too soon. And Lord knows if it’s windy we’re in trouble! It could get on something healthy and kill it.
Not to mention Round Up takes several days to work. And when it finally does its job, it leaves the plant there to wilt, and turn brown and ugly.
That kinda reminded me of sins that I’ve confessed but can’t seem to let go of. God wants to yank those weeds out, and I’ve decided to put Round Up on them instead. I leave those dead, ugly, forgiven sins in my garden taking up space and inhibiting the production of fruit in my life.
Can I get an Amen???
When Jesus explained the parable of the weeds in Matthew 13:38b-39a, He says “The weeds are the sons of the evil one and the enemy who sows them is the devil.” Now I’m no expert, but I don’t think Satan plants the sin in our life. I think he plants the thought, or the doubts, or the temptation, or the self condemnation.
What we do with what he has sown is up to us.
I say we yank out those feelings of isolation and loneliness. Pull that insecurity out from the roots. Make room in your relationship with the Almighty for bigger, more beautiful fruit! Without the weeds choking us, nothing can prevent growth with God.
So what are you waiting for? Take inventory of your garden. It’s time for a harvest!
Good word this morning – especially the part about forgiven sins we leave in our garden. You know that’s my problem:)
By the way, I’m so thankful for my good friend that lovingly guides me to see weeds in my garden that I’m missing – even when she doesn’t know it:)
Awesome analogy.