I did it! Finally. I can’t believe I did it! I ran my first 5k on Saturday through the beautiful historic district of Madison, finishing with a time of 36 minutes, 55 seconds.
I have to admit, when my alarm went off at 5:15 that morning, I was having second thoughts. Questioning why I even wanted to do it in the first place.
Then, within the first mile, I suddenly had a terrible side-ache that forced me to walk before I was ready. I was so discouraged! I wanted to quit.
As I continued walking, it occured to me that when things get hard I give up too easily. Not just this race, but life in general.
I started to run again. Eventually, the side-ache subsided.
I found myself keeping pace with a woman in front of me. At first I didn’t pay much attention to her, but after a while I took a good look and was surprised to see how old she was.
And not to be rude, but she was old.
I couldn’t believe she was in front of me, setting my pace. I was determined that she would not, no way, no how, finish before me!
Determination was creeping in and I found a renewed surge of energy that pushed me ahead of her. The only problem was, I couldn’t hold onto it, and eventually she was back in the lead.
Again I felt discouraged. At this point I was nearly 2.5 miles in and for some reason my hips were killing me! (Note to self: next time, train longer than 2 days!!!)
I was walking along in pain and the words from Hewbrews 12:1 kept coming to my mind, “…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” That was it. Perseverance. Not just in this 5k, but all the time. Run with perseverance.
So I began running again. Keeping pace with the gray haired lady in the lime green tank top. She was a good bit in front of me now. I knew I couldn’t catch her. That’s when the second part of that verse hit me. “The race marked out for US.”
We each have our own race. She was running hers and I was running mine. Not that there was anything wrong with me competing against her. She was actually driving me to push myself and do better. But I didn’t need to win because I was younger. That wouldn’t have proven anything. Ultimately the only one I have to contend with is myself.
How many times do I compare my “race” with someone else only to come away discouraged and ready to give up? Thinking, “She has it so easy because her husband is in ministry” or “my kids will never turn out like that because I don’t know enough about the Bible” or “I’m not making a difference in the life of our church because I can’t…” Blah, blah, blah.
Enough with the excuses! My walk is just that…Mine. And I must persevere. Continually seeking and growing, looking to those around me for the push I need to finish strong.
I say less comparing and more encouraging! Who’s with me???
Oh, and if you’re curious (because I know I was), when I looked up the results today the lady who beat me with a time of 36:20 was 68 years old. You go Girl!!!
I have NEVER thought of you as a quitter. I’m proud of you for doing the 5K and thankful for the insights you gained…and shared with us.
I’m so proud of you! Tell me you have already marked it off your 40 list:) And thanks for the sermonette!
Jodi, I love you and I love your blog. You’re so awesome.
Hi Jodi! Some of my friends ran in that race, too – but not me!
How are things going with y’all? Are you done with school for the year?