When I was a little girl, my mom made a lot of my clothes. By the time I was a teenager and “too cool” to wear homemade clothing, she had a niece to sew for.
Needless to say, by the time Savannah was born she was long overdue for a little girl to dress. Here is her latest creation that Savannah was more than happy to show it off.
Thanks Nanny! It’s just beautiful!!!
Love the dress and the darling in it is, well just darling!!! Now, I wonder if Nanny could bring it down a few sizes; say about in a 6-9 months size? Ha Ha!!!!!
She looks so grown in this picture!!
I LOVE the dress! It is beautiful! (And the picture is beautiful too. You can tell that she really loves the dress :)
Beautiful! Wow. It’s been a long time since I have read your blog. I never post on mine either. I miss it.