For years I’ve called these posts “Tiny Talk” but now I’m re-thinking the name. I mean, technically they are no longer tiny. Or toddlers. And it’s too early to call it “Tween Talk”.
An appropriate name might be “Too Much Talking” or even “Sweet Jesus Stop the Incessant Talking!!!!”
Yes. In bold.
But for now I’ll just leave it as Tiny Talk. Here’s what I’ve heard lately:
Savannah at summer camp: “I made a new friend today. And that’s no folk tale!”
Emery while eating spaghetti: “Could you pass me the Papa John’s?” (parmesan)
Between Savannah and I:
“Hey Mom? Can we listen to that 80’s music?”
“This is 80’s music.”
“Oh. Is this the Beatles?”
Emery ratting his sister out after she called him ‘stupid’:
“Mooooommmm…Savannah called me the ‘D’ word!!!!”
Savannah to me on a very, very, VERY late night as I tucked her in:
“Will you rub my back, Mom?”
“No, not tonight.”
“Is it not on your schedule?”
Emery after church one day:
“Hey Mom. Did you know that God is holy?”
“Yes I heard. But what does that mean?”
“He is full with holes.”
Conversation between Emery and I about 30 seconds after arriving at the driving range:
“I have to go potty.”
“Are you serious? I asked you before we left if you had to go.”
“I can’t hold it!”
“Ugh! C’mon then. Help me pack up and I’ll walk to the clubhouse with you.”
“Daddy just goes in the trees.”
“Well, it’s different when you are out on the golf course. You can’t pee on the driving range.”
“But we’re members.”