A year or so ago I found a fun human body school book on a clearance rack somewhere. I pulled the My Body book out of my stash this year since I thought both kids were old enough to enjoy it.
And it has been really fun! We’ve done 1 or 2 body parts per week, depending on how many additional library books I can find on the subject. Plus I found this cool Human Body board game that goes really well with what we’re learning.
As enlightening as it’s been discussing how our body works to a 6 and 8 year old, the best part for all 3 of us is the making of our own bodies. We started out tracing an outline of ourselves, and each time we learn a new body part, we color it and add it in its proper place.
Above we’ve got Savannah with her bones, muscles, heart, brain, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder, stomach and bladder. Next week is the small and large intestine. I’m sure they will find them just as hilarious as they did the kidneys and bladder! My big question is whether or not to add the section on the reproductive parts. I mean, I know my kids. I already know that next week we will spend a lot of time talking about farting. I can accept that. But I’m not so sure how far they’ll take questions on the reproductive system. Oh mercy!
Why don’t you let the hubby teach when you get to the reproductive system, ha!
I love this!!