If you had kids, or grandkids, or knew any kids last year at this time, you are probably familiar with the movie “Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer”. My kids watched the flick on the big screen with my mom and then were elated when they found it on Netflix in February while we were on the road for 2 weeks with Jeremy’s fishing. By the time we got back home, I was an expert on thrill points, finding bigfoot and why Judy Moody calls her little brother “Stink”.
And now, with only a few days left of school, we came up with our own “Not So Bummer Summer” list. I borrowed/stole the idea of making a poster from my friend Michele who has done this for a few years already.
Making the chart is good for me because writing it down holds me accountable to actually doing it. This may be the first year EVER that when we go back to school, I won’t be thinking “where did the time go?”, “I wish we would have…”, or “Gosh, I really meant to…” This also satisfies my longing to check things off when they are complete. Michele’s family celebrates with ice cream sundaes when they get a row crossed off.
I may steal that one too. :)