Earlier this summer Emery and I took a walk out to the hammock at Nanny and Grampa’s house. It’s rare that I steal away a few minutes of alone time with my kids during the day. Usually that’s saved for bedtime, when everyone is tired, and 90% of time, if I’m being honest, I’m rushing!
But today we laid there swinging. We talked and laughed and shared stories. We got silly and tickled each other relentlessly!
Sometimes I look at him and realize he’s getting so big. And other times, like today, I see that little boy still in there. He’s so much like his dad. He’s naturally smart and good at whatever he does. People are drawn to him. He’s so easy to love.
So why is it hard to be his mother? Well… I see the potential for pride and relying on himself and his own abilities rather than learning to lean on the Lord. I don’t want to worry away his childhood, so I am thankful for the gentle reminders that I need to pray for him to be humble. Pray for him to understand where his strengths come from and who can be glorified by their use. The world will want him to shine in the spotlight. God will want him to BE the spotlight.