The school of York is back in session for the 2009-10 school year as of yesterday. I’ve been a little stressed trying to decide how I wanted to lay out our school year for 1st grade. Last year I decided to wing it.
Have I mentioned I’m not a “wingin’ it” sorta gal?
It was apparent this was a bad idea when all Savannah’s friends were out for the summer and we still had one more kindergarten book to finish. Luckily the predicament motivated her to get through the book faster.
But for me, it was a reminder that I am a planner at heart and I need some structure in order to get anything accomplished. And since educating my children is no small task, I had to get serious, but wasn’t sure where to start.
After lots of web surfing and asking others, I decided the first step was simply planning our year. With the help of a Homeschool Planner booklet, and the advice of a vetran homeschooler, I decided to bite the bullet and start school in July.
We will have four 9-week quarters with 2 week breaks in between. We will also take off the entire months of December and June. Having all this laid out in advance has also helped me schedule dentist appointments and physicals on our off weeks.
I’m excited about the possiblities of this year. We still have a few weeks left of the kindergarten material, but that’s okay because the big Homeschool Expo isn’t coming to town until July 31st, and that’s when I plan to purchase her 1st grade supplies.
When asked of Savannah, “What are you excited about for 1st grade?”, she replied, “that I will get to be a teenager!!!”
Here’s hoping I can get her into 2nd grade before then!
One Comment
Many prayers for a blessing filled school year. I have been thinking for some time that I may homeschool my younger two. I have no doubt you will do a terrific job with this!!!!!