Like most boys I know, Emery is a huge fan of dinosaurs. I’ve been reading him books about dinosaurs since he was old enough to crawl over to the book basket and choose one for himself. But something changed this year.
He learned to read.
Oh, that’s great, you say. And it is. He’s a very good reader. But common books about dinosaurs all start out the same way: “65 millions years ago” or my personal favorite “billions of years ago”…dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Well, we don’t believe that’s true. So when I read to him, I’d simply say “Six thousand years ago…” and go on with the story. But earlier this school year he was on to me. So I became a woman on a mission. I knew someone, somewhere had to be writing something that lined up with our beliefs. And what I found was so much more than I expected!
First, I found “What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs” by John Morris and Ken Ham. I was so impressed by this book that I quickly got back online to find more. The second search led me to “When Dragons’ Hearts were Good” by Buddy Davis. This book was a huge hit with my kids because it also comes with a CD that they can play to either follow along with the story, or sing the song at the end.
One day Emery took his book to school and did a presentation about it. Another mother asked me if I had ever heard of “The Truth Group”. I didn’t have a clue who she was talking about, so I came home and found their DVD called “The Truth about Dinosaurs”. I hesitated at first because it was a little more than I wanted to spend, but let me tell you it was worth every penny!
After watching this movie over and over and over, this is now Emery’s favorite question to pose to unsuspecting friends and family members: “Did you know that in 2002, scientists split open a T-Rex thigh bone and discovered flexible, even elastic soft tissue meat still inside? Microscopic examination revealed fine delicate blood cells, like osteocytes, which are bone forming cells.”
Do you know how many times I had to ask him to repeat that so I could type it all out??? And yes, I had to look up the spelling of “osteocytes”!!! And in case you’re wondering what that discovery means, it means that dinosaurs were still alive only thousands of years ago. Not millions like evolutionist believe. Soft tissue would not live that long. Dinosaurs were alive at the same time as people. Just like it says in Job 40:15. And just like the records of Marco Polo states in his visits to China. There’s a lot of proof out there pointing to a Creationist view, but you won’t find it in any public school.
During this time I also watched Ben Stein’s “Expelled” and was shocked to see how scientists and college professors are literally SILENCED for teaching anything other than the theory of evolution. Even though their theory changes over time and its basis relies on a bunch of assumptions. I don’t understand what evolutionists are so afraid of. I mean, if their theory is so rock solid, why do they care if nut-cases like me choose to believe in a Biblical view? There is no place for bullying in science. What if Darwin had been bullied by the scientists in his day? We wouldn’t even have his abstract theory.
What do you believe? Have you ever thought about it? Or do you just let the schools teach what ever is in the book and feel like it doesn’t matter? Can I tell you that it does matter? The things I have learned, from scientists no less, are pointing to what is written in the Bible. It doesn’t make me feel silly for believing in Creationism. Instead, it strengthens my faith by behemic proportions. :)
Very interesting…good for you…and thank you!
Hey, this is a great post! Can i share this link on my blog? I have some homeschooling followers that would love to see this and the links.???