When we were in Florida on vacation a couple months ago, Jeremy followed up on some business leads in the area. Turns out business is good here and we started discussing the possibility of moving. Our emotions about leaving the home we love were all over the place and sometimes it’s best not to depend on emotions to make important life decisions.
So even though it was heartbreaking to think about leaving, we thought it was best for the time being, and honestly, the only way he got me in the car without pitching a total fit was by telling me that it was temporary. When the work runs out, we will come home. Or so I’m told. :)
Currently we do not have a more permanent home, but are renting a condo while we scour the local real estate. I assumed that since Florida is so close to Georgia, things wouldn’t be too different. But I was wrong. The first thing we saw out our window as we were bringing in suitcases was a giant iguana running through the backyard! We walked out to the lake just outside our door and found hundreds of unusual shells. There are ducks, in colors I’ve never seen, ALL OVER the place. The neighbor lady told us we might spot otters and we were warned to watch for gators. And the rain! OH.MY.GOSH. at the rain! Pouring, pounding, every day, rain!
Okay, so maybe south Florida is nothing like Georgia.