I haven’t sat down and done an actual menu plan since school started 2 weeks ago. Don’t ask me why. Just trying to get into a new groove I suppose. But I’ve missed having one. My family has suffered (not starved, mind you, just not had yummy well thought out meals) and our budget has […]
Category Archives: Menu Plans
Short Week (Update!)
I was planning my menu late last night and realized something. This is a short week for me. And considering that Jeremy has cooked the last 2 dinners, I am in pretty good shape! Tonight we will have tacos, Wednesday is a church night so I’ll fix sandwiches, and Thursday I want to try the […]
Menu Plan Monday
I can’t believe I have my weekly menu and my grocery list done before noon today. Not to mention folded and put away 3 loads of laundry, washed another, distracted Emery away from playing in the toilet by wrestling him to the ground for tickle torture, made 3/4 of the beds, prepared breakfast and a […]
Menu Plan Monday
Getting back into the swing of things after being out of town all weekend. Laundry is almost finished, house is picked up (not clean, but at least it looks nice from a distance), kids are napping, chicken is boiling, menu plan for the week is finished. Oh how I’d love to sit and read a […]
Menu Plan Monday on Tuesday
I was busy yesterday having lunch with my sister in law, then came home to my very own sister and we downloaded songs into my iPod all afternoon. It was fun trying to trigger each others memory for cool songs from the 80’s and 90’s. This morning as the kids and I were driving home […]